Business ideas with China

A business with China is a fairly profitable business start that does not require you to make huge investments. Moreover, it is one of the most cost-effective and promising areas. It is not surprising, because it is the People’s Republic of China that is rightfully considered the largest producer of goods in the world. Whatever thing you take in your hands, the inscription “Made in China” is everywhere. In addition, products from China every year more and more pleased with their quality. So why not take advantage of the main business ideas that can be applied in Ukraine?!

Business ideas with China

Trade inexpensive goods

The first thing that comes to mind about business ideas with China is, of course, trade in relatively inexpensive goods , on which in Ukraine you can do real cheat and make a profit. What can I trade?

  1. Everything related to mobile phones, smartphones, computer equipment and other gadgets. When every new smartphone comes out, a huge amount of gadgets for it will be produced. Headphones, cases, protective glasses, covers, bluetooth headsets, monopods, wireless speakers, and so on. For example, a bracelet for the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness tracker in China costs about 25 hryvnias, in Ukraine it is sold for 70-80 hryvnias. Total, about 45 hryvnia net profit.
  2. Everything related to children’s entertainment. Every mother wants her child to have a lot of toys. In the Ukrainian market, such goods are sold much more expensive than in China. So, you can do the trade in children’s toys. Dolls and doll houses, constructors, cars, robots, educational toys and much more. For example, the well-known toy Splushka in China costs about 150 hryvnia, and in Ukraine – more than 300. We get 50% of net profit.
  3. Everything related to beauty and beauty-industry. It is difficult to stop women in the desire to be beautiful, so they are willing to spend big money in order to conform to the ideals of beauty. And on this you can make good money. Products for manicure and pedicure; for hair styling and hair care products; everything you need for make-up, including brushes, sponges and other accessories.

More product options

  1. Everything related to the design of the holidays. This area, in practice, is a gold mine for start-up entrepreneurs. Engagement and weddings; baby shower, birthdays and christenings; anniversaries and themed celebrations can not remain without proper registration. And where, like in China, you can find a wide variety of balls, garlands, napkins, flags and other holiday tinsel?!
  2. Everything related to sports and recreation. A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular, which means that people are willing to spend their money. Special forms for practicing various sports – Pilates, crossfit, yoga, fitness, etc. In addition, inflatable circles, beach mats, masks and tubes are very popular.
  3. Anything related to accessories and jewelry. The profitability of this direction is as high as possible. The main thing is to catch the hit direction EVEREST PROFI. For example, recently acclaimed volumetric hairpins. The price of China for this product did not exceed 20 hryvnia, the price in the Ukrainian market exceeded one hundred. You can sell from umbrellas and raincoats to evening decorations.

Other business ideas with China

In addition to direct trade, the last time the direction of trade is growing dropshipping . You, as the seller of goods in the Ukrainian territory, act as an intermediary between the Chinese manufacturer and the final Ukrainian buyer. To start such a business, you only need a trading platform in the form of an online store site or a page on social networks. The main positive feature of such a business idea is a high percentage of net profit, and the main drawback is that you, as a seller, cannot be responsible for the quality of the goods and for the specific delivery times.

Another business area is 3D printing . A relatively new direction in entrepreneurship, which is increasingly absorbing the Ukrainian market. With the help of special devices you can produce various souvenirs, jewelry and even design products. However, such a project will require investments to purchase a 3D printer.

One of the earning options could be a Chinese idea help gamers . In China, there are entire companies that can help an avid player to pass any level in computer games and cyber attacks. Such an idea deserves its place in the sun, but the probability of a good salary in Ukraine is not high.

The idea of ​​launching in Ukraine Chinese franchises is quite interesting. Resourceful Chinese entrepreneurs not only produce and trade their goods, but also sell the rights to use certain technologies. For example, the cultivation of mushrooms, the production of toys or shoes from leatherette. Franchises are not expensive. However, there are no guarantees that such production will work effectively in Ukraine.

So, there are a huge number of business ideas with China. The main thing is to understand what niche you want to occupy and begin to act.

EVEREST PROFI delivery from China of cargo, parcels, goods to Ukraine.